Proposed Amendment No. 5 - Section 800 Nonconforming Uses, Structrues, and Lots

Amendment No. 5

Section 800

Reasons for the proposed changes

The proposed changes clarify this section allows for the lawful continuance of nonconforming uses, lots, and structures.

The proposed amendment clarifies that all dwellings in Brookline must have a state approved septic system.

The proposed changes eliminate the ambiguity regarding the application of setbacks to nonconforming buildings or adding buildings on nonconforming lots. Setbacks still apply to nonconforming lots and remain subject to relief from the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

The proposed changes remove the diagram called “Expansions of structures with nonconforming setbacks” and replaces it with a more understandable text. The proposed changes also separate sections so each has a single topic and removes overlap. References to mergers of nonconforming lots was removed.


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